Section 600 - Instruction
601 Goals and Objectives
602 General Organization
603 Curriculum Development
603.03 Curriculum Guides and Course Outlines
603.04 R1 Curriculum Assessments
603.05 Pilot, Experimental, or Innovative Projects
604 Instructional Curriculum
604.01 Basic Instruction Program
604.02 Summer School Instruction
604.04 Multicultural Education
604.08 Teaching About Religion
604.12 Controversial Speakers or Programs
605 Alternative Programs
605.01 Instruction at a Post-Secondary Educational Institution
605.02 Individualized Instruction
605.03 Program for High Ability Learners
605.04 Revised Program for At-Risk Students
605.05 Religious-Based Exclusion from a School Program
605.06 English as a Second Language
605.08 Preschool Admission Policy
606 Instructional Materials
606.01 Instructional Materials Selection
606.02 Instructional Materials Inspection
606.03 Objection to Instructional Materials
606.04 Technology and Instructional Materials
606.06 E1 Acceptable Use Agreement - Staff
606.06 E2 Acceptable Use Agreement - Students
606.06 E3 Acceptable Use Agreement - Parents
606.06 Internet Safety and Acceptable Use Policy
607 Instructional Arrangements
607.01 Class Size Class Grouping
607.02 Ceremonies, Observances, and the Pledge of Allegiance
607.03 Animals in the Classroom
607.04 Student Production of Materials and Services
607.05 Student Field Trips and Excursions
607.06 Collection of Money By Teachers
607.07 Planning and Record Keeping By Teachers
608 Instructional Services
608.01 Student Guidance and Counseling Program
608.02 Student Health Services
609 School Improvement Plan
609.01 Evaluation of Instructional Programs
610 Testing
610.01 Test or Assessment Selection
611 Academic Achievement
611.01 Student Progress Reports
611.02 Student Promotion, Retention, or Acceleration
611.03 Student Honors and Awards
611.06 Class Rankings and Grade Point Average